Our Customers Have A Lot To Say About Us & Our Products
Best blades around!! I have had terrible experiences with the other “brand”. Keep on doing what you’re doing.
I own a small local tree service in New Haven Connecticut. I have used your bar tracks for over 20 years on my skid steer loader. After many years of service they finally started to wear out. I would recommend your tracks.
Keep up the outstanding work.
We are blown away at the quality and thought out engineering of this blade. I personally can’t stop raving about it. It makes better piles in less time than the old one. Lift height is only one of a long list of things put into this blade that make me a huge fan of Grouser. I’ve in fact joked about driving to North Dakota just to stop in and say thanks for the awesome blade.
“Hurricane Harvey hit the coast of Texas and did quite the number. The 4×4 backhoe couldn’t step off the gravel driveway without sinking. and surely our skid steer would have done the same thing without the tracks. It was an incredibly swampy mess and we would have spent the whole day extracting the skid loader if it wasn’t for the tracks. Thanks again for your assistance in informing me that they would work on our new machine.”
“Before outfitting my CAT 246 with bar tracks, my machine could not perform most of the tasks I really needed it for. It’s a great tractor, but still rather helpless in the rugged terrain around my 200 acres in east Shasta County. The tracks have exceeded all my expectations. Now I am constantly finding new operations I can perform with it that were impossible before.”
“My staff and I, here at Crown Power & Equipment, rely heavily on the support that Grouser Products has given us over the years. We have tried a few other brands, but none compare on the durability and competitive pricing that we receive along with Grouser’s great attitudes.”
“(Our customer) is very satisfied with the blade. Everything is so good they are in heaven!!! The mounting on the tractor went well, no problems. I will recommend this blade if anybody asks.”
“Please give all your crew a special thank you from all of us here at Yukon Equipment. This was an impossible order when I accepted it and with your help we got it done on time and with a great product.”
“My guys are very happy with the blade that we bought from you.”
“I would be lost without your Bar tracks. The bushings lasted 1 1/2 years and the tracks haven’t been taken off since they were put on. Excellent product.”
“Thank you for your help on building up our Grouser tracks. We have run these tracks for approximately three years. We find them substantially superior to any other tracks in our application. In fact, we are going exclusively with Grouser.”
Thanks for your help setting up my Bobcat with the right tracks for this area. I am getting a lot of comments and inquiries for work as I take this sharp looking rig around.”
“I like the way the heavy Grouser tracks provide better traction under the worst of conditions. Some of my customers leave the tracks on all year round because they found their loader performance increased even in good weather! Our customers are extremely pleased with either the Grouser tracks or the dozer blades. We like the factory back-up.”
“I order a lot of different stuff daily. You made my day. You were ready to help with whatever I needed. Thanks, I will recomend Grouser Products if any one asks.”
“Your steel tracks…wouldn’t and couldn’t do without them. Thanks.”
“I think they are great and they did more than I expected them to do. The product is exceptional in my view.”
“I think Grouser hard shoe tracks are great and they did more than I expected them to do. The product is exceptional in my view.”
“If every company had service like Grouser the world would run much smoother.”